Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Successful Test For A Your Success

Do you consider yourself successful when you reach your goal? How long does the aura from success last when you have touched the finish line? Exactly! Then there is the next goal. And then the next. So how long does your success aura last when you have reach that finish line? About as long as it takes to create a new goal. Then poof, the feeling of success is no longer there. Or is it?. When you reach your goal it could be labeled the finish line or the starting point. OK, so now your success is determined by what? The decision of a reaching goal leadint to your success or the completion of it can be called a success. At least in my book.

Is Your Success Measured By The Making Of The Goal Or By your successReaching The Goal?

I agree we need a target. A point where we can point our arrow towards. That gives a sizzle to our day. A meaning to be here and why we are doing what we are doing. But what are we aiming towards? Do we make goals just to have a goal? Or are they the ONE you really want to go for to your success?
My wish is that your success you aspire to is always with you. Your success is determined by how your feel. When you look at your project, family, environment, Your success is all around you. I know during the day I make plans to:
1. Create the dinner menu
2. Make a list of calls
3. See what clothes I will wear to the meeting at noon.
4. Make a business report
Oh and this list will grow as the morning goes on. But you know once these are written down, I now can take all of the attention I had on"not knowing" and direct it to each item. My success, like your success, is when I have cleared my mind from unknowns to knowing. Then I already feel like a winner.

Your Success Should Not Be Based On Others Success

This is a big key now. You have worked very hard to reach a goal. Then someone who you look up to , trying the same thing as you, does not reach their goal. This is a profound moment. It might not seem like it . But now it is up to you to decide whether their unarchived success will crush your success. Really! I am not kidding here. How many times have you given up because someone else had an experience that reminded you of some past failures. You stop before you even really tried to create your success.
I do not believe at any time we are under some defined line of what to do and how to do it. Unless we believe we are. How powerful our beliefs are will affect our outcome for anything, including your success.
So if you believe in your success, you have already started to become successful. Now that is cool. That is very cool!
Here is to your success and joy in life.

Madonna Machado and Dale Edward Sims
your leaders atyour success wizard

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