Friday, April 1, 2011


I recall the first time I heard of the Avatar® Integrity Course I giggled. Why? That is a good question. Yes, why would anyone want to take a course about their integrity. And take it over and over.
But I went. And I have been going to this course over and over. It is a treasure what one will find when they have the tools to dive into their own Universe and find what is REALLY going on. Then to feel what they have been avoiding to feel . A few minutes later wear a BIG smile on their face. Free attention is the jewel we have really come here to find. It is so incrediable to be RICH in free attention.
We have been trying to get attention from OUT THERE. How funny that is , now that I realize I am the one who has trapped it. The defend to others why I do not have it. Trying to blame something out there for taking it.
Doing the Avatar Course is a gateway to YOU. And the jewels you will regain from your own mine of trapped attention will have you glowing. Masters Course, Integrity Course. BUT the WIZARDS Course is the Gem of all Gem's to regain your Power.
So how has your attention been lately? How much control do you have of it? How much of it is stuck on things you did not to deliberately decide to have it on?