Sunday, January 27, 2013

Be The Change: Be The Change

Be The Change: Be The Change: by Dale and Madonna | on January 27, 2013 Be The Change Be the change you wish to see in the world...

Be The Change

by | on January 27, 2013

Be The Change

Be the change you wish to see in the world. I have come to love that perspective. I even have a blog site called “ Be the change”.  But it was in my early years I would find I was to be the change of how I experiences life. But doing so in resistance

When I was born I had such fun being carried about by my Mother. I was the fourth of 4 daughters. I liked it. I was also the only one with blonde hair. Man was I special. Then when I was about 9 months old my Mother found that she could no longer hold me as easily any longer due to the fact that my younger sister was on her way. Yes, 13 months after I was born and thought I had the world the way I wanted , my baby sister came along. No longer was I special and I was left to walk rather then be carried,  Everything had changed.
That is how to” be the change “  was expressed in resistance to what was happening. Boy I will show them. Leaving me down here while my baby sister got to ride and see much further then I . Since I was so low to the ground now.


“Be The Change” In Life Is Powerful

So when I took on the attitude of wanting to be the change of what had happened, I felt angry. I acted out. I recall throwing my self onto the kitchen floor and pretended I was dead. That did not last long. There are so many seconds I could hold my breath while my sisters and parents walked over me. I sure all of them had a smirk on their faces.
This plan of action was not getting me any where. Then it dawned on me. Now I can go do what ever I wanted. Free to move about the planet as I pleased. I was not having my hand held, guiding me to some place I would find boring. I recall going to Sears &Roebuck with my Mother. She loved buying things and then returning them. Sear’s is very forgiving as too how long you have had the item since the purchase. They would not ask any questions. So while my mother shopped for new items she most likely would return ,at least have of what she bought in a month or two and mostly even longer. I got to run around the store , riding on the escalators. Up and down , perhaps 20 times or more.

I Can Be The Change For Me

I feel it was a good thing to realize at a early age, that I could be the change in my life because I enjoyed what I was heading for.  What my heart felt it was here to do. And what is also humbling is knowing when I want some one else to change is my signal that I have something I need to change.   Gandhi”s famous quote  “Be the change that you wish to see in the world”  is very inspiring.

So it is up to us to make our change. We need to be the change. This is powerful and live altering , if you follow it closely.
Three cheers to be the change team mate. We will make a huge difference just by changing ourselves.
Madonna Machado
Dale Edwards Sims
be the change
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Friday, January 25, 2013

We Are So Fired  Upfired up

My husband and I sat with our heads in our hands last night. We knew what our goals were. But the fire had just seemed to go out. Why?  We were not fired up any more. Why? Part of our goals we had accomplished. Great. Then we realized that the sizzle, what made us so fired up before was in need of being rekindled.
It does seem odd that we can be really fired up , turn the key to start our engines and set out on the road to our success and then suddenly we realize we feel like we are still in our old Volkswagen Van. We called it Gandalf. We were lucky when it Fired up at all. We both loved that van. But now we were ready for our Porsche. Get us fired up again.

So How Do We Get Fired Up Again

We both looked at each other and realized we had to redefine our goals . Perhaps even restructure them a bit. Our sites are set really high now. So our goals should be huge and as bright as the sun. Really fired up.  And how we do this is rather important to our lives. I realized. If you are not fired up In your life, there really is no life . As far as I believed. Might as well, get in bed pull the covers over your head and hope that something really cool will show up on it’s own. I have not heard of anyone who tried that and actually achieved happiness. The blanket just kept 'em from getting too cold. But if your fired up , you never get cold.
Now we can see our intention needed to be fired up. Our goals are still our goals. But why did we want to achieve them? That is where we found the embers still burning.
I recall a story about a woman who wanted to move to Paris. When I asked her why she wanted to move she said it was because she hated where she lived. There was no sizzle. She was not fired up about moving to Paris. If you can believe that.
A year later a friend of mine told me she was moving to Hawaii. When I asked her why, when I asked her what was her intention, she told me it was because she wanted to learn Hula and meet new people. This woman's eyes lit up. She was fired up about going to a beautiful place.
So Dale and I wrote down an updated ' WHY' we wanted to reach our goals. And when we knew our "why's" we could feel the fire in our Souls starting to flame up. We are fired up again. Re-juiced about our next couple of years. We will reach these goals . Because we are fired up.

Fired Up Nicole Cooper

Nicole use to be fired up about Empower Network. Then her sizzle, her why had changed but she did not realize it. She drifted away. But now she is fired up because she made new ' WHYS" for her goals. Here is a short video of one of her stories to her team.

So come get fired up with us and never look at struggle again. We are making 2013 a Kick A$$ Year. Don't miss it.
fired up
Madonna Machado
Dale Edward Sims
Here with You at
fired up

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Be The Change: Now Pay Attention

Be The Change: Now Pay Attention: Now Pay Attention Maybe  that is all it takes. Asking for someone to pay attention to have people listen. I had some one say to me to...

Now Pay Attention

Now Pay Attention

Maybe  that is all it takes. Asking for someone to pay attention to have people listen. I had some one say to me today that they do not promote their business. So I wondered what promoting might mean to this person. How can you be successful  if you do not have people who want to pay attention and learn what it is you have to offer.

pay attention

So How Do You Get People To Pay Attention

Is it signs on the streets?

Call hundreds of people every day?

Send email blasts, will they pay attention then.?

Or maybe you can get folks to pay attention to you  if you stand on a street corner and make a fool of yourself by calling out to who ever walks by?

Could it be as easy as just asking some one to pay attention for a minute or two.

There are times we will  try and trick  people so they will pay attention . I feel that is what short attention was built on. Who wants to get tricked again.

What I have found is when I am enjoying what I do. And my heart is in it all the way. When I totally believe that what I have to offer people will truly benefit them, then all I pretty much have to do is say , " I have something that I love and if you can just pay attention for a minute or two, I feel  you will find that it most likely you will see the benefit in it for you."

Pay Attention With Your Heart

So , back to the person I spoke with today. Right after they told me that they did not like to promote, then turned around and mentioned how they like to help people. You know, I believe  it could be as easy as knowing what you are promoting is going to help others. And then you will be happy to ask them to pay attention to what you have to offer. And if you  truly believe it does benefit others, then you are half way there.

Now you get up and ask some one to pay attention so you can share with them something that will help improve their lives. You will feel it and so will they. Use your heart to guide you. It is not as silly as some folks think. Pay attention to your heart. It will always guide you  in the right direction.
So now, how about looking at your business and asking yourself is this some thing that will truly help others. There will be your answer as to how successful you will be. Because I believe that when we are helping others, we will be gifted with a happy heart.

I hope this helps some of you.

I do believe that what I have as a product is super helpful and will give people a way out of struggle.
So click on the access button and listen. You will feel it.
pay attention

So Let's Get Going To Together
Madonna Machado
Dale Edward Sims
Your Pay Attention to Your Heart Team At
pay attention

skype : madonnaavatar

Monday, January 21, 2013

Money Can Buy Happiness

Money Can Buy Happiness

How dare I even say such a horrible comment. Every one knows money does not buy happiness. I might sound crazy and maybe I am. But I wonder who made up this statement and why. Perhaps it is the old belief ‘ money is evil”. But let’s say we decided that , cool, money can buy happiness. And money is a gift from the God’s. What then. Then how our lives would be so different and the world. Once it is looked upon as a gift from the gods , we would treat it as a gift. Be grateful for this gift.

How To Buy Happiness

Want to share with you this wonderful talk by Micheal Norton.

Buy Happiness- Make Money
buy happiness

It is the saying I will tell myself every day. ‘ Give away what you want”. Once you truly start you will feel more alive then you have ever felt before. I promise. Because money can buy happiness. Yours and others. When we share and give freely, only good will show up in our lives.
I have a wonderful group of FRIENDS who feel this way. And they have big smiles on their faces. You can buy happiness with money when you know you always have enough. And you share from you heart.
This might not be a big secret, buy happiness with money. But is it a great step for the whole world. Please take moment and see if you can just go buy happiness for your self. Help some one.

Your Buy Happiness Buds
Madonna Machado
Dale Edwards Sims

Sunday, January 20, 2013

What Does It Take To Have A Winning Attitude

winning attitude

What Does It Takes To Have A Winning Attitude?

When  I woke up this morning and sat down to my laptop I had this question float through my mind “ Do I have a winning attitude?”. Now that is a strange thing to be presented with as one starts their day. Strange because I had never asked this question to myself or to anyone else for that matter.
So what did I answer. At first I asked myself what does a winning attitude look or feel like? Well, that led to more odd questions.  Then I recalled reading an article about raising up your arms , over and over again yelling "yea" every time for a certain period of time. Then notice how you feel.
In the article by Amy Cuddy she talks about creating a winning attitude by "faking it until you become it".
She goes on to say "Body language affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy shows how “power posing” -- standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don’t feel confident -- can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain, and might even have an impact on our chances for success."

Amy Cuddy’s research on body language reveals that we can change other people’s perceptions — and even our own body chemistry — simply by changing body positions. Watch her video below.  

 A Great Point About A Winning Attitude and You

When you decide have a winning attitude you have empowered yourself. You are broadcasting the best possible energy to create what you want in the next minute. Sure others or outside events may control the ultimate result, as in a job interview or asking for a date, but you have just put yourself with that winning attitude in the best position to get what you want.
Also when you believe something you will begin to see proof of the belief. Your attention will slide off opposing evidence like silicon and stick to validating proof like velcro. Your ego automatically adopts a winning attitude about what you believe. You will not prove yourself wrong deliberately.
This proven human trait is largely kept secret but underlies all systems of attraction and positive thinking.Understand this important point, use it for good in business and life and you will create success deserving of a natural winning attitude.

 It Is Time To Get Your Winning Attitude On

I asked a friend today if they had a winning attitude. And their answer was “ sometimes”. So who decide whether we have a winning attitude or not?

Going back to my morning coffee while sitting at my laptop. This is where I finally ended up. I was feeling what it feels like to have a winning attitude. The arm thing is also super wonderful . My husband and I will do that arm raising thing when we are about to start a project or just because we want to have a winning attitude.

What if we decided we stay with that winning attitude all the time. Wow! How awesome would that be? I like to hang out with people that have that winning attitude. The energy is exhilarating. So if I have this winning attitude around others.  Then they might feel it and start to share it with others.
winning attitudeSo I hope you will at least try the arm thing. And share it with some one you feel would benefit from it. The whole world could have a winning attitude and, who knows, world peace too.

So from both of us to all of you, Here is to your winning attitude and success

Madonna Machado
Dale Edward Sims
Your leaders at Winning attitudewinning attitudejust do it

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Successful Test For A Your Success

Do you consider yourself successful when you reach your goal? How long does the aura from success last when you have touched the finish line? Exactly! Then there is the next goal. And then the next. So how long does your success aura last when you have reach that finish line? About as long as it takes to create a new goal. Then poof, the feeling of success is no longer there. Or is it?. When you reach your goal it could be labeled the finish line or the starting point. OK, so now your success is determined by what? The decision of a reaching goal leadint to your success or the completion of it can be called a success. At least in my book.

Is Your Success Measured By The Making Of The Goal Or By your successReaching The Goal?

I agree we need a target. A point where we can point our arrow towards. That gives a sizzle to our day. A meaning to be here and why we are doing what we are doing. But what are we aiming towards? Do we make goals just to have a goal? Or are they the ONE you really want to go for to your success?
My wish is that your success you aspire to is always with you. Your success is determined by how your feel. When you look at your project, family, environment, Your success is all around you. I know during the day I make plans to:
1. Create the dinner menu
2. Make a list of calls
3. See what clothes I will wear to the meeting at noon.
4. Make a business report
Oh and this list will grow as the morning goes on. But you know once these are written down, I now can take all of the attention I had on"not knowing" and direct it to each item. My success, like your success, is when I have cleared my mind from unknowns to knowing. Then I already feel like a winner.

Your Success Should Not Be Based On Others Success

This is a big key now. You have worked very hard to reach a goal. Then someone who you look up to , trying the same thing as you, does not reach their goal. This is a profound moment. It might not seem like it . But now it is up to you to decide whether their unarchived success will crush your success. Really! I am not kidding here. How many times have you given up because someone else had an experience that reminded you of some past failures. You stop before you even really tried to create your success.
I do not believe at any time we are under some defined line of what to do and how to do it. Unless we believe we are. How powerful our beliefs are will affect our outcome for anything, including your success.
So if you believe in your success, you have already started to become successful. Now that is cool. That is very cool!
Here is to your success and joy in life.

Madonna Machado and Dale Edward Sims
your leaders atyour success wizard

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Be The Change: The Miracle Mile For Success

Be The Change: The Miracle Mile For Success: The Miracle Mile For Success When it comes to our business time becomes a precious commodity. Yet some times we do not place enough attent...

The Miracle Mile For Success

The Miracle Mile For Success

When it comes to our business time becomes a precious commodity. Yet some times we do not place enough attention on what we spend our time on when it comes to business sense. I use a different way to measure my time. I call it the miracle mile . When I use my attention deliberately . Take each step carefully. Make notes as to what is work and what fell flat . It is a walk of care and power. So my miracle mile of time is my secret to time well spent.

Miracle Mile Not Pretend Highway

miracle mile

What I mean by pretend highway is that is a long way to nothing. Because this is where we just dream and keep dreaming. Miles of nothing but dreaming. Miracle mile is where we truly take steps that are bold and the only acceptable destination is achievement . The miracle mile is my destination always. I would recommend you create your miracle mile not tomorrow , but today. And I do not mean a real mile on a road. But that miracle mile in your heart. That is where the magic and miracle begin. Take your dreams , right them down. See them in your heart not just in your mind. Hear the positive comments that are helpful , not critical. Take them in and use them. For they are there only for your success.

Let Others Know About The Miracle Mile

The true secret to miracle mile creating success for your business or anything else you want to apply this theory to is to give it away. Let others know about it. That is the power in any strategy. We can become aware of something really great. And when we see it , share it. It will gain power. Do you remember when you discovered something so amazing. And when you sat in the glow of the discovery it lasted about a day or so. But when you realized an amazing opportunity turned to some one and shared it. It stayed with you and grew even bigger. That is why , one of my greatest amazing , miracle mile discoveries was when we learned about Empower Network and then created the Empower Network Wizard Team so we can share this powerful concept of 100 % commission . Helping others becoming successful sooner rather then way down the pretend highway going no where. To Your Success Dale and Madonna