Thursday, April 4, 2013


Yesterday I had the privilege of witnessing a random act of kindness. We received a notice that our 3 flights of stairs facing the lake side of my building was going to be repaired. Come to find out not only repaired but first they will be demolished. 

You see they had a crack in the second landing making them very dangerous to use. So I hardly ever used them. But once and a while would tip toe down them to enjoy the lake scenery as I descended.

 I love to see the birds , turtles and squirrels that reside on the lake side of my building. You would never know that just on the other side was the parking lot. I enjoy , so very much ,the peace one can find here on the lake side. 

And just a couple of weeks ago I had the most awesome time sharing some of the wild life that have come to live here with my two animal loving Grand Girls. 

One of the mornings they had been waiting for the adults to ready themselves for the days next adventure when they asked if they could go feed the ducks. And only being gone for just a few minutes I could here them squeal with excitement as they entered the breezeway below. 

Apparently they met the mama duck while she laying on her eggs . She had set up her nest  between  the building next door and the lake . Well she also decided to asked the girls to leave with a chase and some mama duck words I cannot repeat. Mama duck is a good mama and makes sure that no harm comes to her soon to hatch baby ducklings.

Since my Grand Girls have left I have kept them up to date with the Mama Duck and her precious oval jewels by sending pictures via text to my Daughter's cell phone.

So then yesterday when the construction workers began I could see how they were going to repair the cement stair case. Found out with a great huge smashing of hammers and saws and yelling different instructions to each other. I became concerned about mama duck feeling threatened and scared by all the commotion. 

I check in on her and she seemed to stick to her duties and stay right there on her family. Cool.

But then of all things the hired tree trimmers drove a tree trimming monster machine very close to mama duck's nest. I calmly panicked and rain down to find one of the tree trimmers on the bucket 3 stories high. Hard hat on his head and a scarf over his mouth for his protection. 

So now what about the mama duck's protection. I kept my focus on the tree trimmer and in a few seconds he turned and looked at me . I started waving and pointing to the direction of the mama duck. Asked if he knew they were there. I smiled and my heart jumped with joy when he gave me  the two thumb signal and waved back to let me know not to worry.

Wow, I was so happy . I have always believe that there are more wonderful people on this planet then not. And the more I believe this the more that will show up.

After the trimmers began piling up the branches and leaves to place into their shredder I decided to walk over to the mama duck to find her walking around a right orange construction cone that the trimmers had thoughtful placed on mama ducks eggs . I had brought with me morsels of bread to offer her some comfort food. I lifted the cone to set it aside and told her that everything was all right. 

About 10 minutes later I could lean over my deck and see her sitting, once again, proudly on her clutch. I bet she was thinking " boy what a day" . 

Today , once again , peace has blanketed our lake side of the building. As though all of the commotion of yesterday was barely a blink of an eye in the experiences of life. 

Thank you mama duck. Thank you tree trimmers. And thank you construction workers for starting to make our stairs by the lake side of our building safe and soon to be more commonly used.

Random Act Of Kindness


Madonna Machado

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