Thursday, May 12, 2011

Be The Change: HOW CAN I HELP!!!

Be The Change: HOW CAN I HELP!!!: "HOW CAN I HELP!! Well, good news. Share at least one Avatar Compassion Card Project!!! This is HUGE. Just click on the link at the right s..."



Well, good news. Share at least one Avatar Compassion Card Project!!!
This is HUGE. Just click on the link at the right side of my blog, it will take you to a wonderful site where you can do the Compassion Exercise. Then send at least one card via email to some one you care about. Or want to care more about.
This is powerful and EASY.

Just imagine. If all we had to do is to increase our compassion with in our hearts to help the planet in a BIG way. How can we not. So, go on and scroll down. Click on the Compassion website.

So please , send your email address so we can stay connected. That would be so GREAT.

Thank you for Being a Caring Being.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Why am I HAPPY?

Why am I happy?

Now that is a funny question. I guess the funniest part of that question is the answer. The because part kinda takes away from the experience of being HAPPY. At least it does for me.

Creating feeling Happy, just because. Why not. Being Happy. Is that the experience we want. Then why are we looking for something to help us feel that? Now that seems kinda silly right there.

Just be Happy.
HMMMM. So how do we do that? I have heard lot's of people SAY that, just be happy. But how to create that is the adventure of our LIFE.

Decide? Can we just decide? How do we know when we have created HAPPY.

Perhaps that is the really cool part of our LIFE. Decide you are!!! NO NO NO. Not pretend you are. But decide you are HAPPY. Then fully FEEL HAPPY.

OK, now we are swinging on our own play yard swing set. We can go as High as we want. We can share our swing set with as many others as we want. It is all up to US.

I have found a really great way to create HAPPY.
Do you want to know how?
Just ask me. I will be HAPPY to share.

Friday, May 6, 2011

One Small Tilt..

Just one eighth of an inch, tilting my head just that much, I can suddenly see what I have been looking at for 30 years, look totally different . Like, ' WOW". what I thought I had been seeing is now a completely different experience.
Have you ever tried that. Just tilting your heard or moving one small step from one position you have been sitting in , to see what would happen. Something will happen. That is for sure. It has to.
But, try that in internal Universe level of YOU. It is the coolest experience. You have been feeling one way for most of your life. You then called it ' Your Life'. But out of the blue, you get a shift in viewpoint. What seemed to be out of left field. And suddenly your whole world shifted. Like, upside down. It might rock your world so much that you need to sit down. Or just pause for a moment or ten.
But now imagine, creating those viewpoint shifts deliberately. I find it to be helpful. My world does not turn upside down. Because I am the one shifting. On purpose. And it can be as easy as moving your head one way, just a tilt. But it is in YOU.
It is the funniest ability any one can utilize. We just forgot. But now we can accelerate our remembering how. HOW COOL IS THAT?

Thursday, May 5, 2011


This morning during my walk around Crane's Roost, I had the pleasure of seeing not one, but two elderly couples holding hands as they strolled around the lake.
Of course I thought to myself how lucky they were to have each other. Also wondering if they just started their relationships or have they remained that close for so many many years together.
Then I started feeling if I had that kind of a relationship with myself. I stopped right there. I could have caused a back up on the Crane's Roost walk way. A pile up even. But , having that flash in my mind for a second or two, I moved over to the side and paused. Pausing to FEEL, if I am that close to my own LIFE and appreciated that connection with my LIFE.
This was an amazing moment for me. I do have that , in spurts. But to have that on my long walk around my LIFE ( Roost) . WOW.
Knowing that each moment I spend, HERE NOW, is as precious as the couples I saw this morning. It is a FEEL of connection, gratitude and compassion, that I will give myself and the world with every consciousness moment I have HERE NOW on this wonderful Planet. Thank you for sharing these moments with me and all those in your LIFE. THANKS!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011


OK, now that I am back from Santa Fe , where the Avatar Course was held. And back from an amazing trip to visit my Daughter and Grand daughters, all I can say it that we are the most blessed Beings on the Planet.
OK, now why would I share this now. Because we ARE. And the Avatar Course is a quick path to this experience. Not just a good feel statement.
How do I know this.
OK, it is because after 15 years of waking up and the ability to stay awake, not just say some very cool stuff. But BEING awake, gives me more energy to help others.
OK, I know , you might be thinking ( there is the first thing to take control over) that you know this all ready. But you know it from your mind. Now come and take it into your Universe and BE IT.
OK, now is the TIME.
With all my Heart, Come and do the Avatar Course.